Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Lion Who Couldn't Roar

The Lion Who Couldn't Roar: A Happy Hawk Adventure - Gary Hogg
Little Buckaroo Books - 1991 
Reading Level: 6+  Number of Pages: 24 Genre: Fiction

Summary: There once was a lion who couldn't roar, so he tried doing what everyone else was doing. If he couldn't succeed at being a lion, maybe he could be some other animal. He tried several ideas, but then saw Happy Hawk taking a swim, so he stole the Happy Hawk's clothing and tried to act like him by trying to fly. He would have gotten hurt had not the hawk saved him. The hawk teaches him that he doesn't have to roar to be a lion, but should be who he is because it isn't outward appearances that matter.
"'Roars don't make kings,' the Happy Hawk said. 
'It's what you have in your heart and up in your head.'"
My Impressions: The book is pretty good. Although the illustrations are simple, the book teaches a good lesson, and ought to be appreciated by young kids.

Parent's Guide: no issues.
Recommendations:Little kids would like this one.

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